Friday, June 5, 2009

Vacations Galore!!!

So this is the first time I have sat down at the computer more than ten minutes in the past three weeks. It really has been a crazy time! We have gone on a few vacations this month and had a great time! First we went to Los Angeles for a few days. We of course went to Disneyland and toured LA famous places- drinks at the Chateu Marmont (famous hotel), dinner at Geisha House (co-owned by Aston Kutcher) and went window shopping on Rodeo Drive. The following week we trekked up to Lake Tahoe for my dear friend Autum’s Wedding. We had a fabulous time getting to know the other couples and the wedding was of course gorgeous. I even had to whip out my roger rabbit dance move at the reception-no video or photos of that though L We returned from that and had one day of rest then I was off to Fresno to attend the Paramore/No Doubt concert-which was amazing by the way. I took my cousins Laura and Mary along and they had a wonderful time as well. The following day we hopped on a plane bound for Missouri-my grandparents live there and I was due for a visit J We really had a blast over there. We got a feel of the farm country since my grnadparents live in the middle of it and a taste of the big city by going to Branson for the day. Here are some pictures of our most recent adventures. Enjoy!










