Sunday, May 3, 2009

What a wonderful weekend!

So this whole past week, Rob had been saying he had a suprise for me. He said it was something I had been wanting to do and he was totally excited. I had actually never seen him this excited...probably because I'm a little detective and I always figure out the suprise but this time I was really dumfounded: I couldn't figure this thing out!

Friday night we actually went to a Q and A for Francis Ford Coppola. Robby actually works for American Zoetrope so he had to be there to set up the event. We got there and it was a full house. The Q and A was really great! It was nice to hear Francis's point of view on certain things and there was a little suprise from the audience- George Lucas was there! I didnt know this, but George Lucas and Francis have been friends for over forty years! It was really great to see them all together on stage.

Saturday was suprise day! I could barely sleep. We got up super early and Robby took me out for breakfast. After stuffing our faces he starting driving and I began to realize where he was the Palomar Stables! They do horseback riding on the beach! I had drove past this place many times and always said "We should do that." Finally here we were and we were actually doing it. I was personally a nervous wreck-the last time I rode a horse I was 10 years old and I got bucked off. Robby told me to just hop on and it would be fine. He was so right-it was better than fine. It was one of th emost breathtaking experiences ever!!! The view was beautiful and it was a peaceful, romatic adventure. It was sprinkling of course, but it made the view so much more amazing! Unfornately I didnt take pictures, but Robby said we are gonna do it again in June so I will post pictures then.

After our ride to the beach he said his backup plan was to take me to the Napa Outlets for a shopping day- I said we should still go, but just look around. We made a day of was wonderful! Then we saw this really huge chair on the way home- actually Robby passes it every time he goes to work so I thought- we should take a picture of it. Here it is:


then I decided to sit in it:


and then rob did too!


all in all it was a wonderful day! I am the luckiest girl in the world and I just love my husband sooo much!!! :)