Friday, June 5, 2009

Vacations Galore!!!

So this is the first time I have sat down at the computer more than ten minutes in the past three weeks. It really has been a crazy time! We have gone on a few vacations this month and had a great time! First we went to Los Angeles for a few days. We of course went to Disneyland and toured LA famous places- drinks at the Chateu Marmont (famous hotel), dinner at Geisha House (co-owned by Aston Kutcher) and went window shopping on Rodeo Drive. The following week we trekked up to Lake Tahoe for my dear friend Autum’s Wedding. We had a fabulous time getting to know the other couples and the wedding was of course gorgeous. I even had to whip out my roger rabbit dance move at the reception-no video or photos of that though L We returned from that and had one day of rest then I was off to Fresno to attend the Paramore/No Doubt concert-which was amazing by the way. I took my cousins Laura and Mary along and they had a wonderful time as well. The following day we hopped on a plane bound for Missouri-my grandparents live there and I was due for a visit J We really had a blast over there. We got a feel of the farm country since my grnadparents live in the middle of it and a taste of the big city by going to Branson for the day. Here are some pictures of our most recent adventures. Enjoy!












Sunday, May 3, 2009

What a wonderful weekend!

So this whole past week, Rob had been saying he had a suprise for me. He said it was something I had been wanting to do and he was totally excited. I had actually never seen him this excited...probably because I'm a little detective and I always figure out the suprise but this time I was really dumfounded: I couldn't figure this thing out!

Friday night we actually went to a Q and A for Francis Ford Coppola. Robby actually works for American Zoetrope so he had to be there to set up the event. We got there and it was a full house. The Q and A was really great! It was nice to hear Francis's point of view on certain things and there was a little suprise from the audience- George Lucas was there! I didnt know this, but George Lucas and Francis have been friends for over forty years! It was really great to see them all together on stage.

Saturday was suprise day! I could barely sleep. We got up super early and Robby took me out for breakfast. After stuffing our faces he starting driving and I began to realize where he was the Palomar Stables! They do horseback riding on the beach! I had drove past this place many times and always said "We should do that." Finally here we were and we were actually doing it. I was personally a nervous wreck-the last time I rode a horse I was 10 years old and I got bucked off. Robby told me to just hop on and it would be fine. He was so right-it was better than fine. It was one of th emost breathtaking experiences ever!!! The view was beautiful and it was a peaceful, romatic adventure. It was sprinkling of course, but it made the view so much more amazing! Unfornately I didnt take pictures, but Robby said we are gonna do it again in June so I will post pictures then.

After our ride to the beach he said his backup plan was to take me to the Napa Outlets for a shopping day- I said we should still go, but just look around. We made a day of was wonderful! Then we saw this really huge chair on the way home- actually Robby passes it every time he goes to work so I thought- we should take a picture of it. Here it is:


then I decided to sit in it:


and then rob did too!


all in all it was a wonderful day! I am the luckiest girl in the world and I just love my husband sooo much!!! :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is silly...

but I just figured out how to change the layout...all by myself :)

updates? Nothing new here my friends. Rob and I are just workaholics- especially my husband! He is so wonderful and dedicated to his job and I just love him so much!! Enough with the yucky stuff :) May will be a busy month for us. First we are taking a trip to Los Angeles for five days- disneyland, dooney and bourke outlet, eating, and just over all fun-I can't wait! Then we are going to tahoe for three days to attend one of my dearest friends wedding-which I am in :) May 19th I am going to fresno to see No Doubt/Paramore with my cousins Laura and Mary then its off to missouri for five days to visit my grandparents which is exciting!!!

Dont worry- I will be posting tons of pics of all of our upcoming trips. peace out.

Friday, January 23, 2009's been forever!

Sorry for the lack of posts we have just been so busy....yadda yadda yadda. Let's fill everyone in! The holidays were a great, but busy time this year. We were able to come home to modesto for a week and just relax- and trust me- we did! Rob has been working in Napa 5 days a week since December, but he has a really big project going on and from what I know this is all really good experience for him. I do miss him while he is gone, but we get to spend weekends together. Recently we decided that we wanted to decorate our apartment-so we painted! It really is a big task, but we had so much fun! Here are some pics to give you guys an idea of what we have been up to!!!

So here is pics of our painting job

and another one...and our other present: our new tv!!!


Robby, Lola, and I on Christmas Day


Yes I got to see Craig Robinson and Doug Benson


And me hanging with my best girlfriends!
